Challenge #4 & A Whole Lot More!
Challenge Update I'm still going on challenge #4! It's taking awhile because I've been working on other projects too! Previous progress: Current progress: Spirit of Flight Diamond Painting I've finished the top page on Spirit of Flight, which means I now have a row finish! This makes the project 27,900 tiles down and 18.29% complete, which isn't too shabby for such a short amount of time! Previous progress: Current progress: I can't wait to get back into doing more diamond painting once the Challenge is complete. Diamond Painting Resources I've made an Information Sheet for the HAED Diamond Painting Facebook Group, which I'll also make available here and on my Downloads Page. It includes information on how to calculate diamond amounts and canvas size. It also includes steps for making a modified order on AliExpress and answers to some frequently asked questions. Please note that the Facebook links will only be ac...