Challenge #4 & A Whole Lot More!

Challenge Update

I'm still going on challenge #4!  It's taking awhile because I've been working on other projects too!

Previous progress:

Current progress:

Spirit of Flight Diamond Painting

I've finished the top page on Spirit of Flight, which means I now have a row finish!  This makes the project 27,900 tiles down and 18.29% complete, which isn't too shabby for such a short amount of time!

Previous progress:

Current progress:

I can't wait to get back into doing more diamond painting once the Challenge is complete.

Diamond Painting Resources

I've made an Information Sheet for the HAED Diamond Painting Facebook Group, which I'll also make available here and on my Downloads Page.  It includes information on how to calculate diamond amounts and canvas size.  It also includes steps for making a modified order on AliExpress and answers to some frequently asked questions.    Please note that the Facebook links will only be accessible to group members.  You may wish to join the group in order to view these.  I've also added a Spreadsheet that can be used to calculate how many packets are needed to make an order.  Please read the notes in the PDF file if you are going to use this!

Diamond Painting Information /PDF File
HAED Facebook Diamond Painting Group
Spreadsheet for Diamond Order

Cosy Stripe Blanket

I was recently gifted a beautiful set of crochet hooks from my lovely friend Sandra.  They have a special ergonomic design that is meant to help prevent and minimize pain in the hands.  My hands get quite painful as I have Fibromyalgia.  These are definitely helpful as my hands hurt much less using these as opposed to using an average crochet hook! Sending out massive thank-you to Sandra for these beautiful crochet hooks!

I'm making the "Cosy Stripe Blanket" from Attic24, using one of my new hooks.  I love what Lucy has done with the colours in her blanket. My blanket is going to be inspired by her colours but will be a bit different as I'm digging into my yarn stash and using using heaps more than 15 different colours!  I'm also using a 3.75mm/F hook, rather than the recommend 4mm size. 

Here is a little preview of my start:

It's obviously much wider than the picture shows, I've got it folded over here!: 

Happy stitching! xxx


  1. Well Megan you have been busy :)
    Beautiful progress on your stitching project, it just look stunning.
    Great update on the diamond painting too. Been at a craft show last weekend & saw very similar things. I was really tempted but I know I have already way too much stitching stash, better not add up to it with another craft :)
    Great work with the crochet project too. I've only gave it a go once to make a blanket for my sister's baby girl. I've had fun & thoroughly enjoyed it. All the more knowing someone is going to be so smug in the blanket. Have fun with all your crafts!

  2. Yes! There is lots happening at the moment!!! Technically you could decrease your sitching stash by making some charts into diamond paintings 😉 I remember seeing your blanket, it was lovely and so very neatly made! 💛 I'm enjoying making the blanket so much that I'll definately make another when this one is done. Thanks Ingrid 😀

  3. My goodness Megan, you have certainly been keeping yourself busy! I love everything, that blanket looks great with those colors. Your Diamond painting is really moving along soooo quickly and you made great progress on your HaED!

    1. Thank you Faith!!! ❤️I was enjoying making the blanket so much... I've had to be strict with myself and put it out of sight.... Otherwise I won't get the challenge done lol! 😄

  4. Great update- you have so many different talents! I am partway through the Coast blanket by Attic24 and really l9ve it though it keeps getting pushed to one side for my stitching.
    I was with Ingrid last weekend and was also tempted by the mosaic craft! It looks amazing and much quicker than stitching as your HAED shows!

  5. Thanks Justine! Lucy has made so many gorgeous blankets and her blog is awesome! This is the first blanket I've crocheted, I began that start chain about five or six times before moving onto the first row! I was stoked to discover I could actually make the pattern lol! ;) The Coast Blanket is very pretty :) Imagine the fun Ingrid and yourself could have throwing diamond painting parties! :D

  6. Both of your HAED's look amazing! I only just started my diamond painting and love how fast it works up. But I missed stitching after a while so swapped back. I love the detail that is still retained on the diamond painting though. I never expected it to look so good. Now I'm looking forward to getting back to mine. Thanks for the inspiration
    xo Alicia

    1. Yes, the diamond sparkle is hard to capture well in photos, they are really very pretty looking in person with the full sparkle effect ✨✨✨✨✨ I'm finding the DMC colours seem to be translating quite well to the tiles. Thank you Alicia!!! I can't wait to see your Galaxy Girl diamond painting, it's going to be so amazing! 😁🌙⭐️🌟💫🌛🌜🌝

  7. Lovely work on the challenge and I love to see your Diamond Painting grow =) I have the pattern for Dragon Keeper by Renee Biertempel in my stash for ages now, but I don't feel like stitching this. Maybe because I think it would look great as a Diamond Painting. I think I will get a quote for that next month, but with 525 wide, it's going to be huge! I think the sparke of the diamonds add quite a lot to the picture =)

    1. Thanks Johanna!😊 Dragon Keeper was done as a Mini in by one of the ladies in the Facebook Diamond Painting group🔹🔹🔹 It would be interesting to see the full size version of this done too. The canvas only goes to 1.5m wide. So you'll just make it with the width!!!

  8. Love your stitching!! OMG!! I have always wanted to try diamond painting but I haven't been brave enough..

    1. Thanks Vickie!😊 It helps to pick an artwork you really love then it becomes something that is exciting and a joy to work on✨✨✨ I think diamond painting is even a little easier than stitching in some respects! You're welcome to ask any questions if that helps. The very reason I made the downloadable information document on diamond painting was to help everyone who was feeling unsure to get started on a project 😁


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