
Showing posts from March, 2015

Eggstraordinary Easter Giveaway!!!

  This giveaway has been inspired by Heather at Fantasy Cross Stitch! Heather has generously gifted me with a chart I absolutely love (to be revealed very soon) for guessing the phrase she is currently stitching into a Love Thy Thread chart.   Click here for Heather’s Blog.   I feel very blessed and wish to pay the generosity she has shown me forward!   Easter is also a great time for fresh starts/new beginnings, so I am running a chart giveaway because I think you’re all good eggs! ;) Prize: One winner will be picked to receive a Heaven and Earth Designs chart of their choice* *The chart must be currently available on the HAED website and will be sent as a pdf via the RAK system. Please Read The Entry Rules: To enter leave a comment on this post sharing which chart you feel is so eggstraordinary you would drop all your current wips to start stitching it! You must be following my blog publicly .  Entries close on the following date ...

Sparkly Clouds & Violins

I have finished page five of Nocturne! There is one more page of clouds to stitch to complete the first row.  Awhile back I decided to try Petite Treasure braid PB10 thread from Rainbow Gallery.  This page full of sparkly cloud stitching was a great opportunity to test out the PB10 and compare it with the Kreinik #4 032 (very fine braid) metallic.  I found they were not all that different to stitch with.  However, I did prefer the feel of the Treasure Braid because it frayed less when trying to thread it onto the needle and therefore I felt there was more integrity to the thread.  At a subtler level the Treasure Braid also seemed to sit slightly neater in the stitching because the integrity of the thread seemed sturdier. I also found the tones in each were slightly different and they both caught the light differently. The Krienik has an orange/gold tone running through it (which is absent in the Treasure Braid) and the Treasure Braid has a hot pink to...

Iris Keeper of the Rainbow, March Update

I finally got through the second page of Iris! I recently discovered the loop start and have been using it on Iris.  The loop start can be used with 2 strands of thread and I'm stitching this one 2 over 1, on 20 ct mauve aida fabric.   I love the fact that I don't have to turn my work over as much and my back looks a little bit neater.  I was so excited about this technique that I went to show my Mum and Sister (they both stitch occasionally)and they were both like "Yes, we know about that!" It's a shame they didn't show me when I first started stitching years ago!  Anyway... it's worth a try if you like me have also "been out of the loop"and have not yet encountered it ;) Click here for the video on the loop start method Previous progress: Current progress update: Confetti close up: The small dent this has made in the overall piece! (Please excuse the wrinkles in the fabric):