The Queen of Hearts

The Queens of Spades Sends Her Regards

I felt pulled to work on this one for Valentines Day, even though I'm still nowhere near the Queen of Hearts!  This is the regular HAED chart. Artwork by Stephanie-Pui-Mun Law:

 Reminder of where it was at last time I worked on it!:

I now have a column finish and it's at 17.87% complete:

This is where it is at now!:

Happy Valentines Day! xxx


  1. That looks amazing! I love the purple sky. Congrats on your column finish, is that all the way to the top and the bottom of the chart?

    1. Thanks Alicia! Yes, you are correct that is the total height of the chart from the top to bottom. The sky stitched up darker than I expected, maybe it will balance out more on the next column of pages. I did enjoy stitching the purplešŸ’œ


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