Special Requests, Roses, Dancing & Harps!

Special Requests

At the start of this year the winners were announced for the Heaven & Earth 2017 BB Goal Challenges.  I got a prize along with seven other winners!  The choice for the winning chart was a QS or "Quick Stitch." (A QS is generally a cropped section from a regular sized artwork that has been re-charted). Since there are several pieces of art I wanted to do as QS's I asked if I could pay to have one made as a Special Request and then get the resulting chart as the Challenge Reward.  They said yes!  So I went ahead and purchased the Special Request Service.  I was very excited as I'd never ordered a Special Request before.  However, after about six weeks of waiting I contacted them to see what was happening and there ended up being a muck-up with it.  It turned out that this particular section couldn't be made into a QS.  I was pretty cut about it since my heart was set on stitching this one.  The section requested was from the artwork "Small Talk" by John Patience. 

Cropped Section Requested from Small Talk by John Patience:

Love is in the Air

When the "Small Talk" option fell through, I asked about another piece of art I've also had my heart set on stitching for a very long time.   I've been hoping for the past four years that this piece of art would be charted!  I did request it back when Heaven and Earth Designs did specific Art Requests.   It's called Love is in the Air by Josephine Wall.

This is the crop I wanted to have made into a QS:

It turned out that this particular piece of art was made as a commission.  Which means Heaven and  Earth are not able to license it...  I guess this one wasn't meant to be either...

Third Preference...

The next preference on my list was for a QS of The Bards of Bone Plain by Kinuko Craft.  Michele said she would have a shot at charting it.  Unfortunately,  I waited two weeks for this and she cancelled it as she said she didn't have enough time to make it.  As a compromise, I got the SSMC (Supersized Max Colour) Bards of Bone Plain Chart and I will crop it myself to get the "QS" Section I'd originally hoped to have made.  I think this is a good solution anyway as I have noticed the SS charts have very good detail.  At this point the section I would like to do is pictured below.  I will have a good look at the chart though and might potentially adjust the section.  It won't be stitched straight away anyway, since I've already been blessed with so many projects to work on and would like to get some finishes in first!  I think this will be a beautiful one to work on though and I'm really looking forward to starting it.

Crop of the Bards of Bone Plain by Kinuko Craft:  

I will admit I'm probably a bit fussy lol!  They take a long time to stitch though, so that's my excuse...  I also think there are certain pieces of art that just really speak to you and as soon as you see them you know "I'd love to stitch that!'  If you can totally relate I'd love o hear about it in the comments!  Also, I hope everyone had a lovely Easter!  Thanks for stopping by :)

Happy Stitching! xxx


  1. I am very curious how that is going to look like. Do you only like that part? You don't want to stitch the complete work?
    It's a shame they couldn't help you with the other charts.
    To be honest... There are works that I SO want to stitch. But don't want to have. But these are still complete works, not parts.

    1. I'm pretty definite about stitching some variation of the harpists, if not the exact crop posted above. I'm going to take some more time to consider it, but definitely have no desire to stitch the whole piece! 😁 I see any crop I stitch as a "complete piece" able to stand alone... Rather than a part... So it doesn't bother me to not do the whole thing! Maybe if you have pieces you really want to stitch but don't want to have to keep you could still stitch them and give them to family or friends? I think it's about enjoying the process of stitching just as much well as the end product! I understand where you are coming from with feeling that way about it though 😊 I often find the opposite happens to me and I look at a piece and really enjoy it but shy away from the idea of stitching it cause sometimes they might be a pain to stitch if there is an over abundance of confetti or one colour or some other extreme. Although, if those aspects are present and are not bothering me I know the art is really speaking to me as something special! 😃

  2. Oh that stinks that she could not help you. If it were me... I would do exactly as you are planning. Simply buying the chart and stitching only the section I love. I love your first pick (and your second and your third!) and I hope you you are happy with the way they turn out.

    1. In the past, I've done just that and cropped the regular chart to be able to stitch the section desired... But I was concerned with getting the detail in the Small Talk chart because the fairies face is so small in comparison to everything else. I thought that having a QS made of this particular part would remedy this and give back any detail missing from the regular chart. Apparently that is not the case though... I really wish I could stitch the first two. They've been on the top of my Wishlist for years! They obviously weren't meant to be 😔

  3. I'm sorry you weren't able to get what you wanted...they are all gorgeous! These charts take so long to stitch it's definitely important to choose the "right" ones.

    1. I thought it was worth asking about them, even though it didn't work out... I'm glad I gave it a shot! Thanks Justine 😊

  4. Oh that's too bad, I would have loved QS's of both your first choices.

    1. It's nice to hear that you would've loved to stitch these too! 💗Thanks Kaelyn

    2. All those designs looks sooooo fabulous and I hope to see some work on them =) Especially the Bards of Bone Plain piece looks great =)

    3. Unfortunately, I cant stitch the first two, because HAED wouldn't chart them. I have spoken to Josephine though and she told me that "Love is in the Air" was not a commission, which means there is no reason why they couldn't chart it. So fingers crossed they may still chart it.

  5. Firstly congratulations on winning the 2017 BB challenge. Well done, this is a great achievement. I've entered every year since it started and I have yet to complete my goals to even qualify. So good going Megan. It's a shame that you couldn't get your first or second choice but I love your compromise. You have a good eye for selecting beautiful sections of a chart to be a stand alone piece. I hope you get some finishes in soon so that you can start working on Bard.
    xo Alicia

    1. Thank you Alicia! 😊 It's fun just to set the goals as a bit of a challenge, even if they don't get finished! Glad you like The Bards 😁🎼


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