

It's been a long time since Nocturne has seen the light of day!  This project was one of the three pieces with the highest amount of votes, when everyone voted for the projects they wanted to see more progress on.   I really wanted to complete page 8 for this blog but I'm only about halfway through.  The chart I'm working on is the old version.   After discovering the art was re-charted, I put the wip aside for awhile to decide whether or not to restart with the newer chart.  I've decided to continue working on the original chart though.  I've already restarted this one before and don't have the heart to restart it again, especially since quite a decent amount has been completed.  Anyway, the newer chart may blend better and have more depth but I still think the original is pretty!  They both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Mock-up Comparison; Old Chart on the Left and New Chart on the Right:

Added Mini Mock-up for Chart Comparison.  Left: Mini Nocturne.  Middle: Original Regular Chart. Right: New Re-charted Regular Chart.  I darkened the first two mock-up's to make them closer to the new version.  They usually stitch up darker anyway (at least the older charts do), so I usually darken them to get a closer idea to how they will look once stitched!:

Previous Progress:
Current Progress:

Rob's Stitching

Last year, some of you may remember the Blog posted about my neighbour Rob. I was teaching Rob to stitch and he was working on the R.A.E.M.E pattern.   Rob has been on some adventures over the past year traveling around Australia! His stitching also went traveling with him him!  Anyway, I promised to share his stitching progress here as some of you were eager to follow along with his project.

Project Reminder:
Previous  Progress:
Current Progress: Stitched on 14 count Aida.  Tent Stitched Background and Full Cross Main Motif:

Happy Stitching! xxx


  1. I can see the difference between them, Megan. But yours is just as beautiful, only a bit different. So I would not start that over.. And by the way.... Don't I recall that you often tend to change colors yourself? Didn't you do that with the rainbow on your other work?
    And don't you just LOOOOVE men that stitch? And already teaching him to work with several numbers of thread in one work.. Well done. It looks great.

    1. Yes, I did think the difference was pretty major and was upset about the chart thing initially. That's partly why it got put aside for so long, so I could process all the feelings and thoughts around the situation. You are correct, I often change things and have changed colours in charts before. I've actually already made a few changes to this chart too! So that's a good point I can just alter anything else I feel inclined to as I go. 🎨Giggles! I have taught a few friends to stitch. I explained that using different amounts of threads and types was not the conventional approach and Rob made the ultimate decision to stitch it that way anyway. Tenting the background has definately sped things up though! But yes, it's always great to see men involved in the craft 😊

  2. I am glad that you decided to continue on with your Nocturne! I can see some differences I like better in both of them but it would be hard to pick one over the other!

    Tell Rob that I love his piece and he is doing great!! Such bright colors in that piece and it looks awesome.

    1. Thank you Faith! I've seen someone working on the new Nocturne chart, so it will be interesting to see side by side pictures when we're both a bit further along. Will let Rob know about your comment, he will be pleased! 😄

  3. Where is the "new" nocturne chart, HAED? is it a max color or just the one they are currently selling? This is concerning news.... (AKA the Maiden, I am secretly browsing from work I was so excited to see your post!)

    1. Yes, they are both HAED's. Michele said she re-charted Nocturne because she felt it could be charted better. This also happened with Umbrella Sky, so the regular version I stitched of that is also different to what is on the website currently. Both re-charts were for the regular sized charts with the normal amount of colours. If you compare the floss lists, you'll notice the new Nocturne chart uses a different set of floss colours and has no Krienik. At least your aware of this and can choose which of both Dahligs re-charted pieces you'd prefer to stitch! If you brought Umbrella Sky at a later date to me you may have gotten the re-charted version already. I can let you know some of the symbol combinations from the original chart so you can check and see what version you have. 😃

    2. Just checked and with these two particular Dahlig charts the easiest way to tell which version you have is whether or not there is Kreinik in the floss list. Both the original charts have kreinik 032 as the first symbol and both the re-charted versions have no Kreinik 032 listed. Also, to check any chart you can compare the floss list on the Heaven and Earth website with the floss list of the chart you have to make sure they are the same! :)

    3. I just checked and I have started the old version of Umbrella Sky (which I almost prefer, because I LOVE kreinik!)... now I must decide what to do about Nocturne! I have not purchased the chart yet and cannot decide if I should stitch it or diamond paint it (there is a mini, but I really fear the loss of detail). I am just getting back into stitching after a forced 3 year break from a car accident and do not yet know if I have the stamina to stitch a HAED at this point, which is what led me to diamond painting. I have 3 or 4 I want to try, all Dahlig charts (Captive, Love, Nostalgy- I actually own these), and am just trying to make a final decision. I suppose the new chart would be best for DP, since it has no Kreink....

      Decisions Decisions! Every time I see your Nocturne my heart aches just a little, I would love to have this in my future music room! I can see it behind my future baby grand piano!

      Any thoughts on the mini vs full sized detail debate?

    4. I would personally not factor kreinik into any decision-making, as it's an easy thing to alter, add or take away according to your preference. If diamond painting you can substitute it out for a white diamonds and add a sparkly nail polish if you want a glitter effect! In this case, there is a massive difference between the charting in the mini and regular charts. The mini was not re-charted like the regular version, so the regular version uses a newer charting style. As with any other chart that gets converted to a mini, there is a loss in detail. Some pieces convert better than others. In the Nocturne mini, the main figure suffers the most in terms of loss of detail, especially her face. Everything else translates quite well though and the background is not dramatically different in comparison to the regular version of the original chart. However, if you prefer the newer charting style this may not be your best choice because there is a big difference in the look! It helps to compare the mock-ups of all charts to get a clearer idea of which you gravitate towards. I'll add a picture to the main post including the mock-up of the mini against the regulars for you. Looking at the finished size aspect may also help you to make your decision too, especially if you're considering diamond painting it. The regular version would be a mammoth 112.5cm x 170cm as a diamond painting. That's over a meter and a half tall... Actually it's almost as tall as me lol! ;) The mini comes out at 54cm x88cm. There's a substantial difference there. You're going to need a very big wall if you diamond paint the regular chart! But it would look amazing next to that grand piano... I'd love to spend some time in that room lol ;)

    5. Thanks to your excellent advice I decided that I love the chart too much to consider the mini and I as I like the new charting I can always add keinik you are right! Just as I was going to purchase, I discovered I was a day late for the HAED Sale! In the past artist I adore were retired without much notice, I have been out of the HAED loop for the past 3 years. Do you think I can wait for the next sale? Heard any retirement rumors for Dahlig lately? Thanks! The Maiden

      PS- someday, when the room is a realty, I would love to have you over!

    6. Id love to visit lol! What a shame you missed out on the last sale! It's hard to say about chart retirement. Michele does try to give plenty of notice in most cases, but it really depends on the circumstances and reasons the artist has for retiring. Retirement announcements are usually made on the BB (Bulletin Board) and the NEW Official Facebook Group. I've not seen any announcements for Dahlig's work. The Birthday club is available and if you have a Birthday coming up you could purchase at a discounted rate. It used to be $10US but they recently raised it to $15. Still it's a discount if you happen to have a Birthday before the next sale! Other than that it's really up to you what you decide to do! 😊Hopefully another sale won't be that far off. If you join the Facebook group they also announced some sort of Valentine's Day event coming up and they have done competitions in the past too, so there is potentially a chance to put your name in for a chance to win or to add yourself to the Rak list❤️

    7. A 50% off sale just went up now and runs till 16th. You're in luck because they are rare! 💕

    8. Squeeeee! Nocturne has been purchased and downloaded, so excited! This is my first HAED purchase since my accident, so it is quite the milestone :)

    9. That's wonderful news!!! The sale came at the perfect time😃

  4. I didn't know that Nocturne was recharted, I knew that there was a big discussion about the charting quality (like the newer charts have more detail) ´, but I really didn't know that some things were actually recharted. Do you know if this occurs also with other charts? I own quite a bunch of older charts and I prefer the new charting style (it has less blobs of color, I would not restart a project because of this, but maybe it's a thing to consider for new starts).
    I think Nocturne looks amazing =) The new version seems to have more detail, but the old versions will look fine, too, and you should also consider how much you have already done =)

    1. Yes, I'm aware of it happening with quite a few charts. Dahlig's Umbrella Sky, The Oracle and Wrath were re-charted. I stitched the old version of Umbrella Sky. The Queen of Spades Sends her Regards was also re-charted and I'm doing the newer version of it. Also check your symbol chart for errors (double symbols) if you have The Queen of Spades by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law! The other ones I'm aware of are The Accolade, Mary had a Little Lamb, The Passing by Linda Tso and QS Forest Light by Bowser. Snow by Maxine Gladd also had some re-charting done but it's retired now. There would be more than this, but that's all
      I'm currently aware of. There are quite a few that have errors in the symbol charts too, it helps to scan your floss Symbol chart for any double ups. I don't think it happens that often in the scheme of things though. They release a large amount of charts, so some errors are bound to creep in because of that!

  5. Gorgeous stitching! I have just started stitching HAEDs a few months ago and am hooked already! It was fascinating reading the comments on your blog too, you're so knowledgeable

    1. Thank you Justine! Glad you're enjoying stitching your HAED😊 Thanks for dropping by and reading my blog! 💗


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