The Summer Challenge

Heaven & Earth Challenge

I've been working on the HAED Summer Challenge over the past couple of weeks.  The weather in Australian has been far from summery! Anyway, the challenge was to stitch 10 squares in a checkerboard format, feathering the edges.  I've used Iris Keeper of the Rainbow again.  I'm working on page 6, which I'd previously skipped.  I decided to park threads on this one, like I did with the previous Checkerboard Challenge.

Previous progress:
Challenge completion:

Violet Light

For my Birthday back in August I received this beautiful piece of 25 count violet cross stitch fabric from my friend Cathy Jordan.  Sending out another big thanks to Cathy!  This one will be for the Elementals chart by Josephine Wall.

I was also blessed to receive a magnifier lamp for my Birthday too... I've wanted one of these for quite awhile and have really enjoyed using it with my challenge piece.  It will be especially great for the higher count projects I'm working on!

There is more information about the Summer Challenge on the Official Heaven & Earth Designs Facebook page.  Now I've finished the Challenge, I'll be switching wips again!

Happy Stitching! xxx


  1. That violet fabric and the Elementals cross stitch go together quite well, I'm looking forward to seeing it!

    1. Thanks Kaelyn! It probably won't be started for awhile yet, but I'm excited to have the fabric there ready to go! 💜

  2. Congrats on completing the HAED challenge. I love the Elementals chart, I don't think I've seen that one before. It's amazing and will look even more amazing on the Violet fabric too. I can't live without my magnifier lamp, they are brilliant aren't they. Nice colour choice too
    xo Alicia

    1. Thank you Alicia! I won the Elementals chart at the BB Fairy Day Bingo a couple of years back. Yes, the stronger lighting and magnification is really helpful!!!

  3. I would really love to see the Elementals chart stitched up and I agree that the fabric would be just perfect for that =) Congrats on completing the Haed challenge, those checkerboards look funny ;-) I am not sure if I am going to do the challenge, right now I have not been in the mood to do so and from the last challenge I still remember that it was a pain to fill in all the missing squares afterwards. But I still have some time to make up my mind about this, right?

    1. Yes, the Summer Challenge does not end till the 1st November. So you've got heaps of time to decide what you want to do! Thanks Joanna 😃


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