Three Wishes

My Sister Laura has decided to make a diamond painting of "Three Wishes" by Josephine Wall.  I really like this piece and think the two figures at the bottom of the piece could easily be a good representation of her and I! :)

Three Wishes by Josephine Wall, Max Colour, Regular Chart from Heaven & Earth Designs:

The materials for "Three Wishes" were ordered from the "Little Home" Store on AliExpress and they arrived just the other week. This will be a very large piece at 139 by 163cm... In fact, it covers a queen size bed comfortably!   I had a giggle after unpacking it... talk about make a mess... I promise the cat was not involved at all lol! ;)

Laura wanted all the diamonds sorted and labelled using the same storage containers I used for my Spirit of Flight diamond painting. A few people were asking where to buy these storage containers as well.  They were purchased from here & here.   Now it's all kitted up and ready to start... There are so many pretty colours... 240 of them to be exact!

Discounts on Diamonds!

Laura's materials where ordered from the "Little Home" Shop on AliExpress (also known as Xpress show foreign trade).  This Seller has promised a discount to anyone who would like to order diamond painting materials if mention my name (Megan Hall).  I'm not receiving any benefit for this, but have already received generous discounts with the two orders I have placed with them.  They have also provided wonderful Customer Service, so I'm happy to promote them!  They said they would give the same discount I received.  The rate they charged for both orders I placed was a wholesale 0.045US cents per 1.3-1.4gram bag.  The rate on the canvas varies according to size but I've found them to be generous in the price offered for this as well.  It's best to contact them and request a quote for the design you are interested in doing.  There is more information posted in the Resources below.

Resource Update

I have added additional information and pictures to the Diamond Painting PDF & updated the Order Spreadsheet.   Thanks to Heidi from the Facebook Group for her idea to add an extra feature to the spreadsheet!

Spreadsheet Update Version 2: The Spreadsheet now calculates the sum of the stitch count column. The total stitch count/number of diamonds in the chart is displayed on the last page of the Spreadsheet on the very last row.  This means you can double check all the numbers entered into the stitch count column are equal to the total number of stitches in your chart. You can work out the total number of stitches in your chart by multiplying the stitch count width by the stitch count length. If this number is not the same as the summed total at the bottom of the Spreadsheet, then it indicates there is an error somewhere in the inputted stitch count data. If this happens, you will need to double check all the numbers entered are correct!

Diamond Painting General Information, Links, FAQ and Order Information PDF
Spreadsheet Diamond Order Excel Document

Spirit of Flight Page Finish

I've finished my 5th and 6th page on Spirit of Flight.  It's been fun making the large bird on this page and part of her face has also appeared!
Previous progress:
Current wip pics:
Reminder of artwork:

Happy Stitching! xxx


  1. Wow!!! Amazing progress!!! No wonder your sister has decided to join the fun with her own!
    I cannot believe how big these models are going to be, they are huge! Hope you both have planned on which wall these are going to be displayed & admired :) Have fun with your diamonds.

    1. Laura's piece is much larger than mine lol! She does have a specific spot picked out for it 💖 I haven't decided how to finish mine yet but my space is a bit more limited... I'm really enjoying it though and can't wait to see Laura start on hers! ❤️🔶♦️🔶♦️🔶♦️❤️

  2. You have made lots of progress Megan and it looks great! I look forward to seeing your sister's progress once she starts. Will you be posting for her or does she have her own blog?

    I still love that awesome rug you have there!

    1. Thank you Faith! Laura is in the HAED Diamond Painting group but doesn't tend to post much and doesn't currently have a blog...I am definitely happy to post progress pictures here if she is happy for that to happen! 😊 There might not be any progress for awhile though because she is very busy and doesn't have much spare time at the moment. I'll let her know that you would love to watch her project take shape!🔸🔸🔸😃

  3. It's just fantastic that you've done this! I did try diamond painting for a while, but I did find myself getting bored with it faster than stitching (plus I missed stitching). But turning a HAED into a diamond painting might be the cure for that! Considering my JBG stash, it might be neat to turn one of hers into a diamond painting!

    1. Thanks! :D Jasmine's art would look fantastic as diamond paintings! It might be fun having another shot at it with a chart from your stash :D I'm finding it nice to have a bit of a break from stitching. I'm still crocheting my throw blanket at the moment too... So many projects lol!!!

  4. Wow Wow and WOW!!! Three wishes is going to be amazing. I love how you girls sort out your diamonds too. 240 colours that's huge in itself. Spirit is so beautiful too.
    xo Alicia

    1. Thanks! Laura hasn't had a chance to start yet but hopefully will be able to get stuck into her diamond painting soon ♦️♦️♦️

  5. I am absolutely enthralled by your diamond painting and inspired to try it myself! I ordered a small kit and was shocked at how cheap it was, can you tell me a round about price range to kit a HAED?

    1. Thank you! The cost will depend on the size of the project. Larger charts will need larger pieces of canvas and more packets of diamonds, this can take the price up quite considerably. It also depends on the Seller you are buying from. Prices vary, so it is a good idea to get more than one quote for comparison. With the HAED charts, the ornaments, quick stitches and the storykeeps will be the cheapest options, a good ballpark figure for one of these would be around $30-$40 US. The mini charts would be the next cheapest option, you would probably be looking at around $40-$50. The regular charts vary more in size, so could be anything from $70-$160! These are just rough estimates based on what others have said they have paid. You will need to contact Sellers for exact pricing on your particular chart :)

    2. Your advice as always is invaluable! I have nit been able to stitch since a car accident 2 years ago, so I am hoping this will be a good substitute. I decided to try a kit from the website you listed, and found a nice 16 x16 inch started piece that was only $21. I think I will fly through it and onto a HAED in no time with your guidance! Can't wait to see more of your (and your sisters!) Wall's!

    3. Sorry to hear about the car accident :( I hope you are well and eventually able to stitch again. The diamond painting is great fun! :D Laura hasn't had a chance to start hers yet, but said she would send though photo's when she does. My hands get quite painful and I find the diamond painting doesn't aggravate them as much as stitching can. If you decide to go on and do a HAED there is an Information Document & Order Spreadsheet on the Downloads page which you may find helpful. The Document outlines how to place a custom order and have the price modified by the Seller :) It's also linked in the above post, but just thought it was worth mentioning! ;)


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