T-shirt Yarn Project Reveal, Part 2

Rug Progress 

The t-shirt rug is now finished! Here are some work in progress photos from where the last blog left off:

Previous progress; 20 rounds, about 80cm wide:
After 31 rounds; about 127cm wide:
After 32 rounds; about 130 cm wide

The Finished Rug

The completed rug ended up having 35 rounds and measuring 144 cm wide!  It’s also quite heavy!  Which is not surprising since there has got to be at least 50 or so whole t-shirts of varying sizes in there.  I did end up needing more green t-shirts for the last couple of bands as I decided to go back to green before ending on black.  There were some t-shirts left over but I did use most of the yarn I had.   The great thing about the rug is it is hand washable.  I've found it’s better to spot wash if possible because it’s really thick which means it takes ages to dry.


I purchased a non-slip rug grip underlay for underneath.  Although the rug so heavy that it doesn’t tend to slip around much.  If it were smaller and lighter then this would be more crucial as it would be more likely to slide around. The rug does have a nice soft texture and thickness but the underlay does make it even more cushy to stand on, which is nice!

Cutting the underlay:
I've cut the spare corners leftover from the underlay into stripes to use as grips under my q-snap clamps, they grip really really well!: 


For anyone wanting to create a t-shirt rug the following links are helpful:
No sew joining two pieces of fabric together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvBSttaKgns
Seamless joining in the round/invisible join: http://www.lookatwhatimade.net/crafts/yarn/crochet/crochet-tutorials/crochet-invisible-join-vs-slip-stitch-join/
Formula for a perfect crochet circle (see table): http://www.lookatwhatimade.net/crafts/yarn/crochet/crochet-tutorials/how-to-crochet-a-round-rag-rug/

Happy stitching! xxx


  1. What a fantastic idea! Producing something useful out of rubbish that would otherwise be thrown away.

  2. What a fantastic finish, looks so amazing. Love your fluffy cat too.

    1. Thanks! Matisse has got her summer coat on at the moment as it's really hot here... 🌞☀️She fluffs up heaps more in the cooler months though 😸😻

  3. Your rug looks amazing! I just love it and I see Matisse really approves of it!

    1. It's one of Matisse's favourite spots now! 💕 Thanks Faith 😃

  4. That rug is extraordinary Megan. Well done. Did you like doing it? Maybe on to the next project?
    Wouldn't these make wonderfull handmade works to sell?

    1. Thanks Natascha :D I did really enjoy making it! In the future I will make more for gifts. While it's fun there is also lot of time and effort involved. The cost for the t-shirts and my time would most likely not be recouped... I may make one as a test run and see whether it sells. It's hard work on my hands though and they can get quite painful with the fibro...

    2. I understand. I also have fibro and quite a lot of pain lately in my hands. I go to bed tired and wake up crying because I'm ten times as tired as I got in.. SO frustrating.
      And handwork will never pay off...If we would get paid by the hour a work like this cost many hundreds of dollars..
      But people won't pay that.
      But it is a compliment when you get some money out of your work.. It does feel good and you can put it back in your hobby.
      That's what I do and I love it.

    3. It certainly is a very difficult condition to live with. I also wake up exhausted every morning and can totally sympathise with you on that... 😢 You make a valid point about the selling. It's wonderful that you've sold some of your creations and experienced the joy of sharing your creative spark with others! 😊

  5. Gorgeous finish I love the colors!


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