Yipee! I've Finished Challenge #3!!!

Iris Keeper of the Rainbow 

My stitchy bug is still missing and I've still got severe pain in my ears.  Although, despite not feeling great, I've managed to persevere and finish the Challenge!

Previous progress:

More progress: The parking became a bit intense towards the bottom of the page!

Page 5 completed:

Overall progress to date:

I obviously need to go back and finish page three...  Iris is coming off the q-snap for a bit now though! 

Parking Method Evaluation

Parking is not my usual stitching method.  I didn't mind it to begin with with...  However, the parked threads really started getting in the way in the more intense/detailed sections and trying to stitch around them was annoying!  I'm not sure that this method really suits me for that reason.  Although, I may still try it again at some point under different conditions, as I didn't enjoy being restricted to rows.  I did like the times where the parked threads could be worked and there was no searching through bobbins to track colours down... Yet, the set-up to get to that point was substantial...
Saying all that, I know there are lots of stitchers out there who love parking!  For that reason it's certainly worth trying it out if you haven't tried it before!  

I'm looking forward to rotating to another piece for a bit before getting stuck into the next Challenge :)

Happy stitching! xxx


  1. Beautiful. The colours are awesome. I dont't like parking. To much threads.

    1. Thank you Nina, I was quite amused when I got enough of a thread bunch to braid the parked threads lol ;)

  2. Amazing progress and I love this design with all the beautiful colours :)
    Good for you on trying out parking, I honestly couldn't do it.
    All these threads "in the way" would drive me insane ;)

    1. Thanks Ingrid :) Even when they were clipped back or somehow moved "out of the way", they did seem to have a knack for interfering with the section being stitched! ;)

  3. Great progress on this beautiful chart!
    Thank you for posting your views on parking. I have never tried it but as a lifetime cross-country stitcher I think it would drive me insane! I would be worried too about getting lines in my stitching if I stitched each square individually. Luckily this hasn't happened to you and at least you can say you've tried it!

    1. Thanks! I've found lines are usually not a problem when working in diagonal blocks or horizontal rows. I say usually because there were a few challenge finishes from other stitchers pictured with lines in them. By studying these I could tell the lines happened because there were not enough parked threads. The parking is what makes the transition between blocks/rows smooth. The whole line thing seems to be dependant on the quantity of threads parked. If you park ample threads, then there is no reason for concern. ✨✨💫

  4. Beautiful progress on Iris. Your overview of parking is very useful. I will try it again sometime but I also found that there were too many threads.

  5. Thank you Rebekah! It helps to try it on a page that's not too confetti heavy to begin with, as that makes things easier when you're just starting out 🌟⭐️🌟

  6. Still bothered by that ear infection?? That is taking way to long now..What does the doctor say? Hope it will pass soon... I hate parking.. Never tried it and never will. I don't see the point other then maybe being a tiny bit faster than when you have to search your bobbins...On the other hand.. You have to figure out time and time again which thread is which....And as you said... Stitching around them. I feel they would always be in the way..No. Not my cup of tea.
    I just relax and take a bit of extra time to search for the color I want to work with..

  7. My Doctor thinks it's referred pain from the sinuses, which has become chronic. My brain does not process pain "correctly" because of the Fibromyalgia. I think this is part of the problem. I'm booked in to see a Specialist, but have doubts about them being able to help. It's complicated. I do hope it is resolved soon. I can see why you are not that keen on the parking! It is great to be able to relax and pick whatever colour you feel like working with🎨😁

  8. Those are my thoughts on parking too. I haven't started the challenge yet so I'm pretty sure I won't finish but I'm determined to finish paradise! Iris looks absolutely stunning! I hope you're feeling better by now!

    1. There is still about a month left before the challenge ends... Even if you don't get there your progress on Paradise has been great! Thanks Heather :)

  9. Wonderful progress, the butterflies look so pretty =) I am a parker, but I usually go column by column, so at least I am not tangling with the parked threads from other squares around, so I am pretty happy that I am done with the challenge by now and can go back to my usual style of stitching :D I hope you'll fill in page 3 soon, the colors look so pretty there =)

    1. Thanks Johanna :) Looking forward to seeing those butterflies supersized on your Iris Storykeep! It would have felt backwards working in rows when you're used to columns! Will get back to this one soon but page 3 has sooo much confetti!


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