All The Better To Hear You With!

Robber Bridegroom Progress

Here is page 4 of Robber Bridegroom completed. My man now has his ear and hearing intact! ;)

Previous Progress:

Current Progress, Page 4 Completed:

This is the first page I’ve used the Light Effects e310 on. I’m very happy with the effect it’s created on the hair! It’s very difficult to capture the effect in a photo so I made a short clip. Apologies as the camera on my phone is not great quality… Still it gives a better idea of the sparkle effect than the photo. 

Light Effects e310 on Robber Bridegroom:

The total percentage complete on this is now at about 13 percent and the top row is almost complete.

Happy Stitching!xxx


  1. That looks awesome... And the clip clearly shows the effects. I have never heard of color e310... I must check on that one.. I love the shiny details.

    1. Thanks Natascha! It's very difficult to capture it well... e310 is a DMC branded metallic thread belonging to the Light Effects range. The Light Effects come in six stranded skeins and there are a few different colours to pick from :)

  2. I have some light effects that I'm going to use for redwork embroidery quilt! Thank you for the video.

    1. You're welcome! That sounds wonderful Kaelyn, the Light Effects will be beautiful on your quilt!

  3. Congrats it's turning out great! I was curious when we'd see him again :). The light effects looks great! It's my least favorite to stitch with so I don't think I'd ever use it again but it does shine well :)

    1. Thank you Heather! The Light Effects can be a pain to work with so I can understand why some may want to avoid them ;)

  4. Great stitching Megan. The monochrome effect is lovely and really worth the effort of using Light Effects. :)

    1. Thank you Rachel :D I'm excited to get stuck into the rest of the chart as it's been a really enjoyable stitch so far!

  5. This project it's going to be sooo beautiful once finished! the effect of that thread it's very pretty... well done!


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