Stitching Plans

This year I am participating in the HAED BB SAL (Heaven and Earth bulletin board stitch a long). At the start of the year I set the following goals for 2015:

Treasure Hunt: pages 3, 4, 5, 6 ( have currently completed pages 3 & 4)
Nocturne: pages 4, 5, 6, 8 (have currently completed pages 4 & 5)
Iris: page 2 and 3 (have currently completed page 2 and about half page 3)

Even though I’m about halfway there I still feel there is lots of stitching remaining! Especially on Treasure… One page of treasure seems to take forever! I really want to meet these goals and have been trying to work out a rotation that meets them and also introduces the new pieces I’ve started… but from my calculations I’m being a bit ambitious.  So the plan is to focus on the goals I originally set and to also get the mystery chart completed by the end of the year so it can be gifted.  That’s going to be a challenge in itself as that mystery chart is the most detailed pattern I’ve ever attempted. I do hope to throw in some updates on Robber and Spirit every now an then but it all depends how my goals are progressing…  Isn’t it funny how the one you are “not allowed to” or meant to be working on screams at you the most/loudest ;) Robber really wants me to keep stitching it lol… As you can see from my above goals and progress, I just completed page four of the Treasure Hunt crop!

Previous Progress: 
   photo IMG_2541_zpse69d0307.jpg
Current Progress:
   photo IMG_3126_zpsjxqsylbq.jpg

I’ve started experimenting with a little bit of simple parking when it makes sense to do so (most of the time my brain doesn’t allow it, as cross country stitching just makes more sense to me, lol). However, in this case I found it did make sense to park some unfinished threads from the bottom of page four onto page 6 (directly underneath). Parking these threads will save me the time of finding, cutting and starting those floss colours again when I get to page 6. With the orientation of pages they can also be tucked out of the way easily so I don’t get them tangled or in the way on page 5!

 photo IMG_3123_zpspxrxmxrz.jpg

Mystery Chart

I am feeling very overwhelmed with the detail in this pattern, it's moving much slower than I anticipated...  However, all the detail does mean that it's turning out amazing!  In fact I'm delighted with the results so far!

Previous Progress:  photo IMG_3297_zps75ov1otr.jpg 
Current Progress:
  photo IMG_3516_zpszdb6qxst.jpg

 photo TagMeganmedium_zpse179497a.jpg


  1. Wow these are stitching up so beautifully. Naturally I'm all for Robber Bridegroom coming back out but I think Treasure Hunt is my favorite so far.

    1. Thanks Heather! I hope you don't mind me putting Robber Bridegroom away for a bit. I kind of feel bad because I would like to keep sharing progress with you since you were so kind to gift it! I really do want to get my goals completed though so the lure of stitching Robber and Spirit of Flight is providing motivation to get on with the others! :D

  2. Wonderful (and fast) progress on both pieces!

  3. Fabulous progress on your two projects, they look superb!

  4. Both projects are looking amazing!

  5. Gorgeous work, specially with the flower.. Is there a little blue tit showing up?

    1. Thanks! It certainly looks like a blue tit bird based on the pictures I looked up Natascha. I wasn't sure what type of bird it was previous to that, so thanks for mentioning :)

  6. I love the Treasure Hunt Bookshelf piece! I started the full size one last year but haven't got even half of the first page completed. This looks like a more manageable and just as beautiful version!

    I have been browsing your blog and wow, the Umbrella finish is simply stunning! So inspiring to see these huge projects finished.

  7. This is beautiful, I'm so desperate to start a bookshelf, but I'm trying to wait for heroes and heroines. This tests my resolve though!

  8. I love your bookshelf, one day I will do mine.


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