Hunting for Treasure...

Treasure Hunt is such a confetti heavy pattern that it seems to be taking a long time to get not much done!  I admire anyone braving the whole chart!  Page number three of the cropped section is now finished and I'm just over halfway through page four.  There are ten pages all up.

Previous progress:
 photo alteredbook1_zps693869a5.jpg

The project was not fitting on my q-snap frame well (I had to hold it with the longer length as the height, which just felt weird) so I went a hunting for my old scroll frame, which has been tucked away in the cupboard catching dust for some time!   All of my other projects are too big for this frame but Treasure Hunt fits on there nicely.  Now I'm back to stitching with the frame being longer in width which feels less weird! 

Having the two frames in use means I can work multiple projects and not have to swap projects on and off the q-snap as much :D  Yay! This was also timed well because now the stitching won't end up with indentation marks from the q-snap frame, as I was just needing to move the stitched area up under the "snaps".  Unfortunately the tension on the fabric is not as good on the scroll frame.  I've remedied this by attaching a pair of bulldog clips to each side.   Some of my knitting stash came in handy for fixing the clips to the sides so the fabric could be pulled tighter!  This is working well so far :)

Scroll frame with clips:
 photo IMG_2566_zps14a47033.jpg
Current Update:
 photo IMG_2541_zpse69d0307.jpg
 photo IMG_2546_zps4d5c83bd.jpg 


  1. The detail is great in this piece, the confetty is hard but at the end it looks great, Good job ;)

  2. Great progress even if it is quite slow-going! :)

  3. Great progress! It's a fabulous chart, and you're doing beautiful work.

  4. Thank you all! The wonderful colors in the chart are so much fun to stitch with, so that helps... I'm rotating between different projects frequently to balance out all the confetti with some block stitching :)


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